10th International Workshop on Streaming Media Delivery and Management Systems
In Conjunction with 16th 3PGCIC-2021 Conference
November 7-9 (half/one day workshop), University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
The tremendous advances in communication and computing technologies have created large academic and industry fields for streaming media. Streaming media have an interesting feature that the data stream continuously. They include many types of data like sensor data, video/audio data, stock data, and so on. It is obvious that with the accelerating trends towards streaming media, information and communication techniques will play an important role in future network. In order to accelerate this trend, further progresses of the researches on streaming media delivery and management systems are necessary.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together practitioners and researchers from both academia and industry in order to have a forum for discussion and technical presentations on the current researches and future research directions related to this hot research area, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Internet streaming media delivery
- Internet streaming media management systems
- Internet streaming media applications
- Internet video-on-demand systems
- Secirity issues for Internet streaming
- P2P streaming media delivery
- P2P streaming media management systems
- P2P streaming media applications
- P2P video-on-demand systems
- Secirity issues for P2P streaming
- QoS issues for P2P streaming
- QoS issues for Internet streaming
- Streaming data broadcasting systems
- Streaming data processing systems
- Streaming on the future Internet
- Query processing for streaming data
- Streaming data mining
- Web lightweight streaming systems
- Power streaming management
- Streaming for grid computing
- Social Data streaming